Technical Moulding Manager position filled

Graham Croudace has been appointed Technical Moulding Manager at SDA, Graham comes with a sound technical background in Injection moulding with Years of Automotive injection moulding experience. Lately Graham has been on board as a contractor at SDA encompassing NPI and training, these roles will still be part of his remit as will the running of the moulding department at St Davids Assemblies.

Assistant Production Manager appointed

Amy Croudace joins SDA as assistant production manager, her role will be to assist the team in organising the shop floor with visual reporting ,data capture and training.

Amy brings with her a wealth of automotive injection moulding and assembly experience and we look forward to her assisting the team in improving customer experience and on time delivery.

Keyence Optical scanner installed

Further investment at SDA is headlined by the purchase of a £50,000 latest design 3D vision system, this enables real-time data comparison for components. It will write and prepare ISIR inspection reports, check and record customer data reports as well as giving instant feed back to the shopfloor

New all electric Sumitomo Demag delivered

As is our stated policy to replace all old machines with new electric moulding machines, it is also our intention to buy additional fully electric machines for new business growth.

To this end we have taken delivery of a new 50t Intelect machine, configured to our specifications, for new business gained at Southern manufacturing show this year.

This is the second machine ordered this year already and more are planned, this proves our sustainable growth in the business is being backed at the highest level in the Otter Group.